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Fetiller obscur
Fetillera obscura

(image) (image)

The dread inspired by black magic is enhanced by the secrecy and fell rumors which surround it. Dark sorcerers have begun to unlock the secrets of life and death, the latter of which is all too easy to inflict. This labor gives the first glimmerings of the connection between the soul and inert matter, and the first successful experiments in manipulating this bond. The terrible unknown that lurks beyond death is glimpsed, and will inevitably be fathomed.

Despite any design they may have of using this to wrest their own immortality from nature’s grasp, the first results of their work have immediate, and unpleasant applications. The life they breathe into dead matter can create servants for them, servants which will work, but which will also kill, and will never question their masters. These creations have a loyalty any tyrant would dream of, and it is tempting to those with even the slightest desire for power.

Notes especials: This unit has magical attacks, which always have a high chance of hitting an opponent. L'atac arcà d'esta unitat causa un mal enorme contra criatures màgiques, i fins i tot també contra certes unitats vivents.


Avança de: Adepte obscur
Avança a: Lich Nigromant
Cost: 32
HP: 48
Moviment: 5
XP: 90
Level: 2
Alineació: caòtic
IDDark Sorcerer

Atacs (damage - count)

4 - 3
(image)onada de fred
13 - 2
(image)onada de foscor
9 - 2


(icon) talla0% (icon) perfora0%
(icon) impacta0% (icon) foc0%
(icon) fred0% (icon) arcà20%


Cost del moviment
(icon) Aigua baixa320%
(icon) Bosc250%
(icon) Boscatge de bolets250%
(icon) Castell160%
(icon) Cova240%
(icon) Deep Water-0%
(icon) Gelat320%
(icon) Impracticable-0%
(icon) Llogaret160%
(icon) Muntanyes360%
(icon) Pantà320%
(icon) Plana140%
(icon) Sorra230%
(icon) Trieu costaner230%
(icon) Turons250%